Page 10 - FODO-Strategy-Document-Full-2023
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Our ambition is for all UK governments to commit to providing                       Primary eye care in Scotland – a major success
            at least the core primary eye care services level offered in Scotland to all
            eligible citizens. We also want to make the best use of currently under-
            used core clinical ability from optometrists and dispensing opticians.
                                                                                                “Community optometry is now established as the first
            We then need to go further by maximising the use of our qualified                   port of call for patients with eye problems, reducing
            workforce and extensive infrastructure in primary eye care to expand                pressures on GPs and the HES and the need for patients
            the range and availability of enhanced care pathways.
                                                                                                to travel to hospital to access eye care.”
            We will work with government, sector and system partners to                         Public Health Scotland 10
            achieve this vision.


                                                                                                           Eye examinations


                                                                                                                        Supplementary and enhanced
                                                                                                                        primary eye care examinations   11

                                                                                                Top three reasons for an enhanced eye examination      12

                                                                                                 1  209,608           2   188,103           3  86,623
                                                                                                    Symptoms              Anterior eye         Additional
                                                                                                    requiring             condition            diagnostic
                                                                                                    investigation                              tests

                                                                                                In a typical year, primary eye care in Scotland sees more than
                                                                                                480,000 cataracts, 260,00 external eye diseases, 56,000 glaucoma/
                                                                                                hypertension, 130,000 macular problems, and 27,000 neurological
                                                                                                disorders and other conditions. 13
               Primary Eye Care        Audiology

      10      FODO UK                                                                                            The future of primary eye care – principles and priorities      11
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